by Brian Page | Published on 11/17/2021
Dear NPGS community,
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our new membership management site and thank you for your continued support. Earlier this fall we learned that our existing membership and event management system, 123Signup, would be ending their services due to challenges arising from the COVID19 pandemic and would therefore cease operations by the end of 2021. NPGS board members met to discuss options, began looking for new alternatives and eventually landed on ClubExpress.com, a relatively low cost club and association management software. Since then, the Board has been hard at work testing and preparing a new site that we're anticipating, and are cautiously hopeful, will meet the needs of NPGS.
Feedback from members during 2020-21 coupled with the inability to have in-person meetings during the pandemic have prompted the Board to seize this opportunity and work toward increasing our online presence. The hope is that NPGS will continue to grow and stand as a relevant professional Society in the petroleum, geothermal and lithium industries going forward. We aim to make it easier for members and vendors alike to connect, stay up-to-date on NPGS activities, pay annual dues, sponsor events, register for events, promote products and most importantly support the scholarship fund whether in-person or not. In addition we have attempted to improve future management of the NPGS membership database to make it more streamlined, simple and secure. We hope this site will be the near-term answer.
Please remember this project is a work in progress. Currently, all active members, expired members, non-members and guests have, and will continue to have, the ability to receive Society e-mail correspondence and access to registration for Events and/or Donations as long as you so choose.
As an incentive to maintain the "Active Member" status (simply by paying annual dues), we have reserved some "member-only content" that is not available to the non-member email list. For now, the Member Content dropdown list is only displayed once an active membership is detected. Member-only content includes an interactive membership directory, news and event info, volunteering opportunities, direct email contact with committee members and online access to videos of past NPGS presentations. Future member-only content will likely include a discussion forum where members can network, post relevant industry info, ask questions, post job opportunities, etc.
Please take a minute to look around the site and don't hesitate to use the "Contact Us" link to share comments or suggestions. Also, if anyone has good photos of NPGS in action or other petroleum/geothermal/lithium related images that you think would enhance the site, please let me know!
Finally, I am very pleased to announce that we are ON for the annual Holiday Dinner Party, December 2nd 2021, 7PM at Tamarack Junction! Please visit the Events page for more information and to register. Remember to register by Nov 29th. We hope to see you there!
Brian Page, NPGS President

Sep 2021; B. Page